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House of the Dead 1 No CD Patch: A Guide for Gamers

Patch file for -The House of The Dead- game for Win95Produced by Joshua - Summer 1998This patch is made for demo version of this game...I don't know if it will work in complete game version too...try and let me know...U must copy all of files (S2.wav , S3.wav , S4.wav and DeadCrk.exe)in TheHouseOfTheDead directory. Then you can run DeadCrk.exe andfollow the simply instructions.if U don't have sndrec32.exe in your WINDOWS directory U can'tlisten the three wave format files... but patch will work anyway.well...see you next time... DA-DA...if U have any suggest or problem or if U want source file you canwrite

house of the dead 1 no cd patch

These cracks can be used to patch games such that they do not seek the CD while running. This can help to speed the game up or free up the drive for other uses, such as playing music. It also makes gaming more convenient since you no longer have to hunt for CDs to play the games you have installed. The Free Information Society has no responsibility for how you choose to use these cracks.

This is an approximate grouping. Remember that a turtle-related primitive might still be used by patches or the observer, and vice versa. To see which agents (turtles, patches, links, observer) can actually run a primitive, consult its dictionary entry.

back (bk) -at -here -on can-move? clear-turtles (ct) create- create-ordered- create-ordered-turtles (cro) create-turtles (crt) die distance distancexy downhill downhill4 dx dy face facexy forward (fd) hatch hatch- hide-turtle (ht) home inspect is-? is-turtle? jump layout-circle left (lt) move-to myself nobody no-turtles of other patch-ahead patch-at patch-at-heading-and-distance patch-here patch-left-and-ahead patch-right-and-ahead pen-down (pd) pen-erase (pe) pen-up (pu) random-xcor random-ycor right (rt) self set-default-shape __set-line-thickness setxy shapes show-turtle (st) sprout sprout- stamp stamp-erase stop-inspecting subject subtract-headings tie towards towardsxy turtle turtle-set turtles turtles-at turtles-here turtles-on turtles-own untie uphill uphill4

clear-patches (cp) diffuse diffuse4 distance distancexy import-pcolors import-pcolors-rgb inspect is-patch? myself neighbors neighbors4 nobody no-patches of other patch patch-at patch-ahead patch-at-heading-and-distance patch-here patch-left-and-ahead patch-right-and-ahead patch-set patches patches-own random-pxcor random-pycor self sprout sprout- stop-inspecting subject turtles-here

all? any? ask ask-concurrent at-points -at -here -on count in-cone in-radius is-agent? is-agentset? is-patch-set? is-turtle-set? link-set max-n-of max-one-of member? min-n-of min-one-of n-of neighbors neighbors4 no-links no-patches no-turtles of one-of other patch-set patches sort sort-by sort-on turtle-set turtles turtles-at turtles-here turtles-on up-to-n-of with with-max with-min

clear-all (ca) clear-drawing (cd) clear-globals clear-patches (cp) clear-ticks clear-turtles (ct) display import-drawing import-pcolors import-pcolors-rgb no-display max-pxcor max-pycor min-pxcor min-pycor patch-size reset-ticks resize-world set-patch-size stop-inspecting-dead-agents tick tick-advance ticks world-width world-height

All of the comparison operators work on agents. Turtles are compared by who number. Patches are compared top to bottom left to right, so patch 0 10 is less than patch 0 9 and patch 9 0 is less than patch 10 0. Links are ordered by end points and in case of a tie by breed. So link 0 9 is before link 1 10 as the end1 is smaller, and link 0 8 is less than link 0 9. If there are multiple breeds of links unbreeded links will come before breeded links of the same end points and breeded links will be sorted in the order they are declared in the Code tab.

Note: only the observer can ask all turtles or all patches. This prevents you from inadvertently having all turtles ask all turtles or all patches ask all patches, which is a common mistake to make if you're not careful about which agents will run the code you are writing.

Reports a subset of the given agentset that includes only the agents on the patches at the given coordinates (relative to this agent). The coordinates are specified as a list of two-item lists, where the two items are the x and y offsets.

This keyword, like the globals, turtles-own, and patches-own keywords, can only be used at the beginning of the Code tab, before any procedure definitions. It defines a breed. The first input defines the name of the agentset associated with the breed. The second input defines the name of a single member of the breed.

Tells each patch to give equal shares of (number * 100) percent of the value of patch-variable to its eight neighboring patches. number should be between 0 and 1. Regardless of topology the sum of patch-variable will be conserved across the world. (If a patch has fewer than eight neighbors, each neighbor still gets an eighth share; the patch keeps any leftover shares.)

Note that this is an observer command only, even though you might expect it to be a patch command. (The reason is that it acts on all the patches at once -- patch commands act on individual patches.)

The distance to or a from a patch is measured from the center of the patch. Turtles and patches use the wrapped distance (around the edges of the world) if wrapping is allowed by the topology and the wrapped distance is shorter.

The distance from a patch is measured from the center of the patch. Turtles and patches use the wrapped distance (around the edges of the world) if wrapping is allowed by the topology and the wrapped distance is shorter.

Moves the turtle to the neighboring patch with the lowest value for patch-variable. If no neighboring patch has a smaller value than the current patch, the turtle stays put. If there are multiple patches with the same lowest value, the turtle picks one randomly. Non-numeric values are ignored.

export-world writes the values of all variables, both built-in and user-defined, including all observer, turtle, and patch variables, the drawing, the contents of the output area if one exists, the contents of any plots and the state of the random number generator, to an external file given by the string filename. (The result file can be read back into NetLogo with the import-world primitive.) export-world does not save the state of open files.

This keyword, like the breed, -own, patches-own, and turtles-own keywords, can only be used at the beginning of a program, before any function definitions. It defines new global variables. Global variables are "global" because they are accessible by all agents and can be used anywhere in a model.

Reads an image file, scales it to the same dimensions as the patch grid while maintaining the original aspect ratio of the image, and transfers the resulting pixel colors to the patches. The image is centered in the patch grid. The resulting patch colors may be distorted, since the NetLogo color space does not include all possible colors. (See the Color section of the Programming Guide.) import-pcolors may be slow for some images, particularly when you have many patches and a large image with many different colors.

Since import-pcolors sets the pcolor of patches, agents can sense the image. This is useful if agents need to analyze, process, or otherwise interact with the image. If you want to simply display a static backdrop, without color distortion, see import-drawing.

Reads an image file, scales it to the same dimensions as the patch grid while maintaining the original aspect ratio of the image, and transfers the resulting pixel colors to the patches. The image is centered in the patch grid. Unlike import-pcolors the exact colors in the original image are retained. The pcolor variable of all the patches will be an RGB list rather than an (approximated) NetLogo color.

Reads the values of all variables for a model, both built-in and user-defined, including all observer, turtle, and patch variables, from an external file named by the given string. The file should be in the format used by the export-world primitive.

Arranges the given turtles in a circle centered on the patch at the center of the world with the given radius. (If the world has an even size the center of the circle is rounded down to the nearest patch.) The turtles point outwards.

The links-own keyword, like the globals, breed, -own, turtles-own, and patches-own keywords, can only be used at the beginning of a program, before any function definitions. It defines the variables belonging to each link.

Reports the x or y coordinate of the mouse in the 2D view. The value is in terms of turtle coordinates, so it might not be an integer. If you want patch coordinates, use round mouse-xcor and round mouse-ycor.

patch-at-heading-and-distance reports the single patch that is the given distance from this turtle or patch, along the given absolute heading. (In contrast to patch-left-and-ahead and patch-right-and-ahead, this turtle's current heading is not taken into account.) Reports nobody if the patch does not exist because it is outside the world.

Reports the single patch that is the given distance from this turtle, in the direction turned left or right the given angle (in degrees) from the turtle's current heading. Reports nobody if the patch does not exist because it is outside the world.

Reports an agentset containing all of the patches anywhere in any of the inputs. The inputs may be individual patches, patch agentsets, nobody, or lists (or nested lists) containing any of the above.

This keyword, like the globals, breed, -own, and turtles-own keywords, can only be used at the beginning of a program, before any function definitions. It defines the variables that all patches can use.

All patch variables can be directly accessed by any turtle standing on the patch. Color can be represented either as a NetLogo color (a single number) or an RGB color (a list of 3 numbers). See details in the Colors section of the Programming Guide. 2ff7e9595c

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